Google Cached Page and PageRank Down

Early today Google's cached page was down, anytime you went to look at a web site's cached it would not appear and showed a 500 server error . You will now be able to see the cached because it seems to have been fixed. This also happened a couple months ago. The Page Rank has also been down for a while, but still isn't up. So for any webmaster out there freaking out over this can now relax because your web site is not banned, it's because Google server is down. Perhaps Google is just playing with the webmasters or maybe not?


Anonymous said...

I wonder if this will be a big update or just server errors.

Anonymous said...

It looks like it's back up!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm just blog surfing and looking for info on pr and found you. I'll be back.

Anonymous said...

Hey Steven, Your this post message is well received. I am just out searching for information on Page Rank and related and ended up on your blog. Although I'm not an avid "blogger", I have decided to save yours and come back since the information provided has substance.

Anonymous said...

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